This page is dedicated to items and copyrights by myself and                                             my family.
These pages list a variety of my copyright and areas dealing in the Metaphysical and new age area.  There are Quick reference charts dealing with quarts crystal as well as other stones listed on them and a short about them on the chart. There is a chart to deal with parasites and another that will help you understand how to use and work with a pendulum. Books of synergy blended oils and other areas of aromatherapy.
So feel free to browse and look ask questions and enjoy this site.

This is a balance of patterns, stones and metal to create a harmonics within the jewelry that will work best with an individual, for their spiritual enlightenment and growth.
The use of sacred geometry and stones as well as the metal help draw energies from a wide variety of areas of the universe to create the effects much as a pendulum helps find things.
This jewelry will help both stabilize the individual and create harmony within your auric field.

To try is to enjoy.
Aromatherapy Oils
This item is listed on the Quick Ref Chart page for sale if you wish to purchase any of the charts